Business Execution Strategies to Drive Revenue, Productivity, and Retention
Did you know that as a member of Korsgaden Insights Community, we offer full seat scholarships to our Practice Management events?
Korsgaden’s Practice Management Program is a deep immersion into transforming your organization to meet the demands of today’s complex business environment and higher-than-ever client expectations. Take your organization to the next level by focusing on the essential elements for building a high performance business.
Join our Practice Management Study Group where you'll benefit not just from comprehensive tools and resources, but also from unique team consulting sessions that provide personalized, practical advice tailored to your specific needs.
Monthly Study Group
Quarterly Pop Ups
Free Access to Korsgaden Insights Community
Discounts to Approved Vendor Services
Access to PM Portal
Team Training CoursesÂ
One on One Monthly Consulting with Agency Owners
Individualized Team Member Training
Everything in Tier 1Â Â
Deeper engagement with entire agency (including negotiated site visits)
Everything in Tier 1
Everything in Tier 2
A taste of these are given in our one-day events.
Sign into the Practice Management portal here.
50% Complete
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