The insurance industry is in need of top talent. There has never been a better time to be in our business to attract 'A' Players. What used to be a boring and stodgy business, is now exciting and cutting edge. We should be attracting and recruiting spectacular people at every level! Whether at a carrier level or an agency firm, we need to...
Replicating "A" players requires effective ways to share knowledge. One of them is through formal training- national sales meetings, regional sales meetings, courses, and certifications.
But there is real value in informal channels, too. Have you ever noticed how people at sales meetings congregate around their successful colleges? Consider how...
Successful leaders are always upping their game.
To attract a high-caliber recruit to your team, you must be high-caliber. We must work harder improving our own skills to attract someone with the skills needed to serve our customers now and in the future. Never stop growing and never stop learning!
In this video short, TK discusses recruiting and...
An insurance professional, Troy Korsgaden is a consultant with Korsgaden International. A public speaker and a member of insurance and financial professionals trade group GAMA International, Troy Korsgaden regularly speaks to insurance executives about staff recruiting.
Over the next decade, 237,000 insurance advisors will retire, creating a...
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