Industry Insights

Learn from leading voices in the insurance sector – and beyond.

Up Your Game

Aug 09, 2022

Successful leaders are always upping their game.
To attract a high-caliber recruit to your team, you must be high-caliber. We must work harder improving our own skills to attract someone with the skills needed to serve our customers now and in the future. Never stop growing and never stop learning!
In this video short, TK discusses recruiting and...

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Outer Space Stuff

Aug 02, 2022

Insurance and financial services has become really exciting. There are some real "outer space stuff going on". New technology and the focus on the consumer have changed everything. In this 2 minute Culture Matters podcast clip, Jay and TK talk about how the pendulum has swung from company control to consumer control. Exciting to be a part of...

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Business Development

Jul 28, 2022

To be successful at business development, you must be consistent. We train business owners, executives, and industry field leaders to tag business development onto other required daily activities. This encourages consistency and makes business development a daily habit. In this video clip, TK shares the four opportunities we all have each day to...

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There Has Been A Huge Shift

Jul 26, 2022

The Culture Matters Podcast with Jay Doran and Troy Korsgaden has just been released. In this short clip Troy talks about how there has been a huge shift in the insurance and financial services industry.

Listen to full Podcast Here
#InflectionPoint #CustomerFocus #Culture

To book a live presentation email: [email protected]

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Build A Stronger Business Opportunity

Jul 12, 2022

Take advantage of all the disruption in the world today.To build a stronger business opportunity, we must put the customer first in everything we do. Our primary interactions with customers are in service and sales. Putting the customer first, we do not need to think about commissions. The revenue will come!Increase your knowledge on customer...

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How To Discuss Rate Actions With Your Clients

Jul 07, 2022

Conversations are simply opportunities to deepen the client relationship

Inflation, rising prices, and supply chain disruptions have become a dominant theme in 2022, and the insurance and financial services industry has not been immune to their effects. Many carriers are encountering higher costs to replace or repair homes, automobiles, and...

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Carrier Executive and Field Leader Tip:

Jun 30, 2022

Whether you’re in a carrier operation at the home office, or you’re out in the field, you have control over helping others move towards a Discussion Partner model. You also know what’s working and what is not in your organization.You can help direct the folks who want to grow, and empower them to get information from those who...

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Business Growth and Profit

Jun 21, 2022

Reghan Brandt and Troy discuss Business Growth & Profits on The Insurance Chatter podcast.
It all boils down to the advisor using the new tools available to meet the customer on their terms. Not ours!
In this clip from the podcast, Troy explains "this is the greatest time to be in our business!"
If you put the customer first... not the money...

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FINSECA Multiline Corner Article

Jun 20, 2022

FINSECA just released its latest magazine issue. Troy's Multiline Corner was included. This month's subject is on time management. This topic is always at everyone's "top of the priority list" for personal and business improvement.

#NeverStopLearning #PersonalDevelopment #BusinessDevelopment #KorsgadenLearningAndDevelopment #InflectionPoint...

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Looking For Write-Ons

Jun 06, 2022

In this virtual talk, Troy speaks about the need to make a profit in business. Every person that receives a check in the organization must be a profit center. If you are not a profit center, you are an expense (a cost center). As business owners we often get asked to make donations. We give a lot! However, we don't do it for write-offs. We do it...

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