
[Blog] A Holistic Approach to Reclaim Your Vitality

May 29, 2024

Tanja Samalya

In our quest to excel in every aspect of life, we often find ourselves overwhelmed. We strive to be the perfect employee, the ideal parent raising well-rounded children and the envy of others with our seemingly perfect social lives showcased on social media. However, this constant pursuit of what we believe we "should" do to...

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[Blog] The Chimes of Your Heart

May 22, 2024

Dave Martin

What is the focus of the productive hours of your life? Are you passionate about your job or do you simply go through the motions, waiting for the weekend? According to research, half of American workers hate what they do.

But passion is the fuel that propels men and women toward any significant measure of achievement in their chosen...

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What Makes Great Agencies Great

May 22, 2024

What's holding your agency back from greater success? In my new article, I reveal what makes great agencies great and equip you with the tools and strategies you need to level up your agency. Exclusively in the new Korsgaden Insights Magazine:

#agency #leadership #growth #business #newrelease #newarticle

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Korsgaden Insights Launch Annoucement

May 16, 2024

Yesterday in Woodland Hills, California, our publisher launched our Insights Magazine and the Korsgaden Insights Community. We take great pride in providing these resources for professionals in the insurance and financial services industry. You will be hearing more details in the coming weeks.


To book...

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[Blog] How to Jumpstart Your Creativity

May 15, 2024

Phil Cooke

Spring is coming and it’s time to take your creativity to the next level. So to help get you out of the winter doldrums, here are 10 important steps to give your creative thinking a shot in the arm:

  1. Don’t be afraid to daydream. Neurological research indicates daydreaming is good for your overall health. Much like night...
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It's a Numbers Game

May 09, 2024

People are not always ready to talk to you when you call. For example... maybe they are having a bad day or they are busy with their family. The key is to be consistent on engaging them in important conversations. We recommend touching your client throughout the year. Make the "numbers game" work in your favor. Be consistent and they will...

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Joint Work Ensures New Agent Success

May 07, 2024


The training that is being put out continues to improve year over year. The technologies that have been created bring the content to life and make learning more effective than ever before.
Let us not forget that learning and performance is now part of a larger ecosystem. An important part of that ecosystem is "Joint Work". Learning by...

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"I'm So Busy Doing So Many Things..."

May 02, 2024

We are all busier than ever!
However, we must not let being busy detract us from staying consistent on our priorities.
Make meeting with each client every year to discuss Life Insurance one of your top priorities. It is easier than we think.
Break your yearly goals down on a daily basis. You will find it is not so overwhelming when you are busy.

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A Rate Conversation Is NOT a Household Review

Apr 30, 2024


The household review and the rate conversation are both important. They must be dealt with thoughtfully. A rigorous annual review program, with every client/every year, insures trust and confidence. When rate conversations are needed, clients are not as aggressive and more open to advice and personal risk management strategies.


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Opportunity Keeps Knocking

Apr 29, 2024


Opportunity has never knocked harder on your business door! Every time a client reaches out for assistance or advice on their current insurance, there is an opportunity to exceed their expectations and earn the right to add more products and services. Do not let the nonsensical economy and industry environment fool you or fake you out!

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