
Current Agent Economics Require a New Business Model

Sep 20, 2023

Current agent economics require a new business model for an Agency/Firm to be profitable.
We are in a marathon and not a sprint. A transaction with the client is just one component of a much larger relationship and ongoing interaction.
The model requires:
-Service from day one
-Advice that is ongoing
-Product solutions that are tailored to each...

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Give Clients All The Reasons To Come See You In Person

Sep 19, 2023

An extremely large segment of clients still want to meet with an insurance and financial services professional in person. Don’t default to phone, text, and virtual. These are very valuable tools to engage the client throughout the year. However, give it your all to meet at least once a year face-to-face.
In person meetings are more...

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Service Before Sales- Pivoting For Success

Sep 06, 2023

Making clients the center of attention is the key to success for insurance carriers and financial service companies. 

Finseca Focus Magazine 2nd Quarter 2023


We must generate revenue for our businesses to survive, but that is not our purpose. Our purpose is providing solutions to help our clients protect what is most important to...

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Increase The Product Mix In Every Household You Serve

Sep 05, 2023

It is not the product that is the most important… It is the person!
If you just focus on quoting to win customers, you will will win. It is a numbers game.
But if that’s all you do, you are only focusing on one segment of the customer.
As a small business we must look at the big picture. Long-term retention and additional products have...

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Agency Economics Have Changed

Aug 23, 2023

Agency economics have drastically changed over the last 5 years. It has now hit an inflection point.
If you are not on top of your economics for your small business, you are in trouble.

If you align your business properly and get out in front of the change….
There are profits to be made!


To book a live presentation email: ...

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Business Planning

Jun 28, 2023

When evaluating your business you must evaluate yourself as well. We need to evaluate your skills as an Executive, a leader, a motivator and as an administrator.
As human beings we each have strengths and weaknesses. The trick is to capitalize on our strengths and improve, to the best of our ability, areas in which we do not shine. As Executives...

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Understand Your Clients and Their Needs

Jun 23, 2023


A big part of unrivaled service is knowing our clients, what they need, and what is important to them and their families and businesses. Some people are less concerned with accumulating assets than they are about protecting what they have. Others are looking to save for their kids’ college education. Still others want to buy the...

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Scholarship Opportunities

Jun 20, 2023

Discussion Partner and Practice Management Learning & Performance programs are recognized by many of the top insurance carriers in North America.

There are several Industry Scholarships, Carrier Co-Op, Carrier Tuition Reimbursement, and Carrier Discounts available.
If you are interested in transforming your organization to meet the demands...

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Market Disruption

Jun 19, 2023

There are headwinds that are affecting the insurance industry as a whole. We are challenged with higher costs and increased changes in consumer buying habits- just to name a few. Previous assumptions about the way we do business are no longer accurate. This situation calls for new thinking and a different strategy.

Market disruption creates...

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Join The Movement

Jun 01, 2023

For Agency Business Owners and Industry Leaders committed to growth. Join The Movement to improve Learning and Performance.
[email protected] for more information

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