
You Made a Promise to be Different. Now is Not the Time to Hide.

Mar 26, 2024

I don’t know how long ago it has been since you sold your first client. Whenever it was, chances are you told them you are different from other agents and advisors they've worked with. You promised you would always be there – that you'd meet with them regularly to make sure their family, business, and assets were always protected.


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There is Nowhere to Hide

Mar 19, 2024

There is nowhere to hide as the insurance industry continues to go through disruption.
Uncertainty is forcing all of us in the profession to up our game.
When things are going great, we tend not to worry about the little things as much. But the little things all add up.
We must step up and deliver or the marketplace wont need us in the future.

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Separate the Renewal from The Review/ Be Proactive, Not Reactive

Mar 14, 2024

How do you stop from getting burned out and being beat up all day?
Apply offensive strategies. Start by separating your Review Program from your Policy Renewals.
#KorsgadenInsights #ReviewProgram #AnnualReview


To book a live presentation email: [email protected]

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Let's Be Honest With Ourselves, We Are No Longer on Easy Street

Mar 12, 2024

Let’s be honest with ourselves. We’ve been on easy street. You know it’s easy, when all you have to say is, ‘Here’s your coverage and here's your price. Do you want it?' and everyone's happy. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

Because it's been so easy, the fundamentals that should have been covered were...

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Each Team Member Can Easily be a Profit-Center

Mar 01, 2024

Each Team Member can easily be a profit-center in your business.
Profit comes from many things. However, the foundation is 1 of 3 things with each client interaction:

  1. I gave a presentation and asked for a check.
  2. I asked for the next appointment to give a presentation.
  3. I asked for information that will lead to an appointment… that...
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Above The Business Featuring Troy Korsgaden

Feb 29, 2024


The world continues to change at mock speed.
Join Bradley and TK in a robust conversation about the ever changing insurance and financial services Industry.


To book a live presentation email: [email protected]

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Master Every Step of the Purchasing Process & Ongoing Customer Experience Journey

Feb 26, 2024

Master every step of the purchasing process & ongoing client experience journey. This is the foundation for a successful business model of the future. Insurance professionals need to assume the role of the gateway to everything related to insurance and financial services. Guide clients seamlessly through every step of the process. Advisors...

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When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going

Feb 22, 2024

I have always said that if you are bored in the insurance industry… are boring.
I still wake up excited, because there is so much opportunity.
There is a common theme with successful insurance companies and successful local agency businesses.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
People want what you have. Don’t be afraid...

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A Large Segment of Consumers Will Pay More For Value

Feb 15, 2024

To transition smoothly into the customer-driven sales cycle, carriers and their advisors simply need to differentiate themselves by identifying a strong value proposition — and communicating it consistently across all platforms. Even if you aren’t the lowest-cost option, you shouldn’t be afraid to be compared to competitors.

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The Local Advisor Is Need Now More Than Ever

Feb 01, 2024

If it was only about a quote, you might not need a local advisor.
But clients want and need more than just a quote. 

1.) Clients need to know what current coverages they have today.

2.) Clients want to know what similar people are doing regarding personal risk management.

3.) Clients ultimately desire professional advice on what to do to...

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