Industry Insights

Learn from leading voices in the insurance sector – and beyond.

Digital Is the Assistant We Always Wanted

Jul 27, 2021

From the 1980s through the early 2000s, many advisers and brokers dreamed of having more help with critical yet time-consuming tasks like proof of insurance and minor claims processing. We mused, “If only I had help with those tasks, I could spend more time focusing on high-touch customer service and sales.”

Today, digital...

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People Who Care Give It Their All With Troy Korsgaden -Insurance Guys Podcast

Jul 01, 2021
Korsgaden Insights
People Who Care Give It Their All With Troy Korsgaden -Insurance Guys Podcast

A lively conversation between Troy Korsgaden, Bradley Flowers and Scott Howell.

The Insurance Guys Podcast

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FINSECA Create A Learning Culture

Feb 12, 2021

To book a live presentation email: [email protected]

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The New, New World: We Need To Embrace The Unfamiliar and Capitalize On Abundant Opportunities

Aug 28, 2020

During the Age of Discovery, after Europeans made landfall in what would later be called the Americas, new trade routes brought new power, riches and wealth to the countries of Europe. Suddenly, despite the fact that the new order of things was unfamiliar, opportunities emerged that no one had ever dreamed were possible.

In today’s rapidly...

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Integrating Lifetime Learning into Your Schedule

Mar 06, 2020

In my latest book, Discussion Partner: A Radical Transformation to Unrivaled Service in the Insurance Industry, I point out that to be successful in the future, you must be willing to adapt quickly. The way companies, including those in insurance and financial services, are doing business is rapidly changing. It’s no longer "business...

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Factors affecting the insurance industry

Mar 06, 2020

Agents need to adapt to provide the service clients want.

The insurance industry is affected by a number of factors, including financial markets, legislative trends, and technology. How are these factors—and others— changing the insurance industry, and what can we do to adapt?

The great philosopher Epictetus said it best 2,000 years...

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Build Your Value Proposition Around What Customers Want

Dec 19, 2019

There was a time when tradition and longevity in the market were hallmarks of success in the insurance industry, and carriers had complete control over every step of the purchasing cycle.

But today, agility, innovation and transparency are the characteristics of the market leaders. These traits enable companies to thrive as our business is...

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Simple Strategies For Creating a Great Customer Experience

Dec 19, 2019

Today, the customer is in control. We can no longer compete on price. This means we must learn how to give unrivaled customer service, along with a memorable and meaningful customer experience.

Stand out from the competition, whatever it takes.

As our industry continues to transform and new purchasing platforms arise, we must learn how to stand...

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Marketing Automation and Lead Management

Dec 19, 2019

Possessing over three decades of experience in the insurance industry, Troy Korsgaden is an accomplished entrepreneur and author. The founder of Korsgaden International, a consulting firm which provides advice and training to insurance agents, Troy Korsgaden has written books and articles on building small insurance businesses. In his article,...

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Attracting Top Women in the Life Insurance Industry

Dec 19, 2019

An insurance professional, Troy Korsgaden is a consultant with Korsgaden International. A public speaker and a member of insurance and financial professionals trade group GAMA International, Troy Korsgaden regularly speaks to insurance executives about staff recruiting.

Over the next decade, 237,000 insurance advisors will retire, creating a...

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